
A Mother’s Love

A mothers love is fierce. It knows no bounds. This has never been more evident than on Hunter Hill last week.  Cole T Hunter, was a Blessed young man. Not only was he blessed by one of the best mothers the world has to offer, but this young man had many “moms”..... I say Blessed, but really, Cole was just one of those people that had as much if not more to offer the world than really, anyone I know.  When we have children, we have a vision for them of how we would like to see their life lived. We want them to be happy, healthy, productive and loved. We want them to live a life full of adventures, to learn, to give back, to be honest and true to their words. We want our children to live a long, full life. We want learning curves, we want problem solving, we want adventures for them. With a mothers love, guidance, patience and gentle correcting, all of this and more is achieved. Sadly, the only thing a mother can’t decide upon for her child, is the length of their life.  The saying, It t

Masks...... pros and cons

 Today was the first full day of mandatory mask wearing..... I have compiled a list of pros and cons... happy to report, more pros then cons.... I know! I was a bit surprised myself.   1) Anyone that finds their nose drips incessantly in buildings with forced air, or air conditioning etc..... masks are like a tiny little diaper for your nose. My nose drips constantly at work, my mask kind of absorbed it... note to self....wash mask each and every night. 2) With a mask, I have a few less wrinkle areas to concentrate on! Bonus right!! All that’s visible is my eye area!! So, really, those wrinkles and crows feet are the ones I will now focus and concentrate on, the rest, well, they will get minimal attention now. It’s like the stress of wrinkles have been lifted off my shoulders! 3) No one can tell what my face may be saying!! My face is very expressive, so I really sometimes have to be careful. Cause, lets face it....sometimes my expressions tell the whole tale on what I’m actually think
 Now that the election is over, campaign promises have all been made and met with either resistance or cheers, and the people have spoken, lets talk about something else of dire importance......... stop throwing money at your cashier. There, its been said.... the elephant in every grocery store lunch room has been exposed.  When one walks into a grocery store, the noise you hear is not the seductive sounds of Black Velvet in the back ground, but the humming of freezers, coolers and fans.... That’s not a stage the kind employees are standing on but usually shock absorbers for our feet, from standing on them usually at 6-8 hour increments. Those are not high heels on our feet, but unattractive, sensible shoes you will more than likely never see us wear out in public. Not a pole, not a tassle, nor is there any glitter anywhere in sight.I wont comment on G strings, cause I really don't know some of my colleagues Well enough to discuss undergarments, so.... I’ll leave that one alone. Pl
 Year One Survival Guide:  1)Do what you need to do to survive. That’s my tip, thats my only survival mechanism. One year has come to a close. What a year its been. I've learned a lot about myself this year. It’s not been pretty. I’ve learned that I seem to have lost my purpose. I honestly saw myself as a very confident, self assured woman. A go getter. Independent, motivated, driven. Extremely social, outgoing, intelligent.... I was a card carrying, happy, proud wife. My ace in my back pocket was always Mark. Pushing me, lifting me up, standing by my side ( from his couch of course, he wasn’t very social), but I could feel him there.  There was nothing I couldn’t do, nothing I couldn’t achieve in his eyes. Well, obviously, there was one glaring discrepancy in all that, but aside from that.... he was my biggest fan, and I his. I have no purpose. I have been a wife for 25 of my 53 years. How in the hell do you change gears? How do you suddenly go from 2 to being 1. How do you go fro
7 days It took just 7 days for life as i knew to come to an end. It took 7 days for 23 years to become beautiful memories 7 days...... it took 7 days for my husbands heart to stop beating. The doctors said his heart would be the last to stop working, of course..... it was connected to mine, and I wasn’t ready to let him go. 7 days, they seemed endless. The quiet of the hospital room for some is described as peaceful, tranquil. For me, I knew it was the beginning of the end of the family as I knew it, it was far from peaceful. I was full of panic. What would I do, how would I deal with the kids, how would I continue each day without him? Why? Always why? My husband was an alcoholic, high functioning for so many years, that I didn’t see the crash coming. I didn’t notice the decline to non functioning, until it was too late. By the time it became apparent, the damage had been done. Between the depression and alcoholism, my hero, the love of my life, my perfect other half...... was
World Day of Kindness....... Let me start by saying, not everyone deserves kindness. I have a co-worker, who believes you should be kind to everyone. Well, I believe, some people deserve the little bag I keep beside my asshole cats litter box, the little bag that houses the dirty, sifted litter, but that’s a story for another day...... today is World Kindness Day, and here’s my little story about this  Each Friday, there’s a man that comes in the store, he’s been coming in for about a year. He at first appeared to be a little grumpy. Didn’t smile, never spoke. At first, I thought maybe he didn’t like his job, or, maybe he was just an unhappy person. I let it go for a while, but did notice him week after week. Then, I got an of those brainwaves I get from time to time..... I was making it my personal mission...... to make him smile!!! How hard could it be? My father always said I was the biggest pain in the ass he’d ever come across, but I could make him laugh. So, I real
Occasionally I work Sundays in the Deli, each Sunday, there is a Lady who comes in and does her shopping. Now, when I say Lady, I mean a LADY. This woman is the epitome of class. Well over 6 feet tall, but I’ve yet to see her without high heels, not just any high heels, but ones that match her outfit. Hair, makeup and clothes are impeccable. Jewelry matches, belt, the works. And extremely lovely. Not only to look at, but to speak to as well. As beautiful as she is, she is humble, sweet and very friendly. This Lady, has inspired me...... inspired me to do better. Inspired me to maybe, take a little more time in the mornings. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I’m not a troll by no means. I can probably hold my own with the ladies my age, and maybe, just maybe on a good day, with some younger than me. But lets face it..... on any other given day, homeless comes to mind. Take this one day for example, it was late afternoon, and I only then realized that my shirt had been wrong side out all day