Now that the election is over, campaign promises have all been made and met with either resistance or cheers, and the people have spoken, lets talk about something else of dire importance......... stop throwing money at your cashier. There, its been said.... the elephant in every grocery store lunch room has been exposed. 

When one walks into a grocery store, the noise you hear is not the seductive sounds of Black Velvet in the back ground, but the humming of freezers, coolers and fans.... That’s not a stage the kind employees are standing on but usually shock absorbers for our feet, from standing on them usually at 6-8 hour increments. Those are not high heels on our feet, but unattractive, sensible shoes you will more than likely never see us wear out in public. Not a pole, not a tassle, nor is there any glitter anywhere in sight.I wont comment on G strings, cause I really don't know some of my colleagues Well enough to discuss undergarments, so.... I’ll leave that one alone. Please for the love of God and everything holy..... stop throwing money at us.

Picture it, ringing through your groceries, bagging your groceries, all the while making small talk, sharing a laugh, most of us enjoying the moment, cause we basically love our job, we give you a total of your purchases, we hold out our hand or debit machine and then bam! The money or debit card is thrown at you or on the counter. Lemme’ tell ya’s.... nothing ruins the happy moment we may of just shared quite like that. If we are all honest with ourselves, and by we, I mean cashiers, we have all had that moment of satisfaction In our heads, of giving you, and by you, I mean the customers who throw money at us, Your 8.49 all in small change and heave it at you from our side. But.... we don’t, why? Because it’s not respectful. It’s not polite, its not encouraged, and you might just complain to our boss...It’s basic common sense, Curtesy, that when one sees a hand held open, you place the money there..... not scattered All over the counter.

There is nothing more frustrating and you know what.... humiliating, than hurriedly trying to pick up that money, change on the counter , with long finger nails (what.... we like long fingernails too), while Other customers are waiting not so patiently. Let me ask you money throwers this.... do you throw your money when your at a drive through? No wonder the people who work the windows are so nimble with that little stick that picks up stuff on the ground! Did you know, that some of them are so good with that little stick, they can pick up a rewards card ( I may of dropped mine a time or two)

So, going forward Karen and Gordon ( my monicker for the male Karen), give your cashier a break, just hand the money or debit card to her, its a small gesture of human kind. Besides.... if your a money thrower.... just know this.... we do talk and laugh about it in the lunch room, I really wouldn’t want you to be the one on the other side when we possibly do succumb to the thoughts in our head.....

STOP THROWING MONEY! Thank you from all of us making a living in retail!


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