
Showing posts from August, 2020
 Year One Survival Guide:  1)Do what you need to do to survive. That’s my tip, thats my only survival mechanism. One year has come to a close. What a year its been. I've learned a lot about myself this year. It’s not been pretty. I’ve learned that I seem to have lost my purpose. I honestly saw myself as a very confident, self assured woman. A go getter. Independent, motivated, driven. Extremely social, outgoing, intelligent.... I was a card carrying, happy, proud wife. My ace in my back pocket was always Mark. Pushing me, lifting me up, standing by my side ( from his couch of course, he wasn’t very social), but I could feel him there.  There was nothing I couldn’t do, nothing I couldn’t achieve in his eyes. Well, obviously, there was one glaring discrepancy in all that, but aside from that.... he was my biggest fan, and I his. I have no purpose. I have been a wife for 25 of my 53 years. How in the hell do you change gears? How do you suddenly go from 2 to being 1. How do you go fro