
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Firsts

Wedding Anniversary weekend. It’s tomorrow actually. 24 years. I’ve been dreading it for weeks now, and thanks to Facebook memories, I get to look back on some of our anniversaries together. The first one that comes to mind is, we’ve never really spent an anniversary together, so, like so many before, this one will really be no different, except, it really will be. Mark worked the weekend shift for so many years, that special occasions were often celebrated days before, or days after. We never really held much stock on the actual day. Anniversaries were no different. Usually a card was placed beside my coffee cup and I’d get it when I got up, or, there wasn’t, and I’d get a phone call later in the day, wishing me a happy anniversary, or I would call him, laughing, to wish him one. We were never a couple who needed date nights, or grand gifts or weekend get-always. We were just happy being together. Our life, was very simple. Date nights, which were very rare, may of included a trip to
Isn’t it funny how life creates ( forces) change? Like one minute we are living our life, and out of nowhere life throws curveballs and says “ nope, lets go this way”.... like, whatever happen to our plan? I’m certainly not going to argue the point God has a plan. Of course he does, but.... WTF, ( you all know what that means and don’t pretend you haven’t whispered it one or a million times in your head before). So now my question ( yes, I’m daring to question) Why? As I sit at my new little kitchen table ( first time ever mind you) at 6:14 AM, I question why? Not why am I up at such an ungodly hour of the day, or why didn’t I buy more coffee, but, At 53, why am I being forced to change? Before the messiness ( maybe the messiness will be another story for another day, its a story that needs to be voiced, to be spotlighted for sure, but not this morning) anyway.....before the messiness. Wife of a kick ass husband, mother of 2 great kids, great job, loving life. Moving forward at the